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Скачать ATI Catalyst Drivers v 10.12 бесплатно
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 29.12.2011, 15:17
Корпорация AMD представила первую в этом году официальную версию драйвера Catalyst под номером 10.12 за декабрь месяц. Он предназначен для видеокарт серии Radeon HD, начиная с 2000, а также интегрированных решений. Ввиду прекращения поддержки продуктов предыдущих линеек 9200/9250 и ниже придется довольствоваться старой версией под номером 6.5 (или 6.11 для карт на чипах R300 и ниже), а для видеокарт Radeon серии X/9500/9600/9600 и других подойдет мартовская версия 9.3.

1. Удалить все предыдущие программы и драйвера ATI Catalyst™. 
2. Установить драйвер дисплея и Catalyst Control Center.

Изменения в данной версии: 
# New Features:

* Support for DivX on the AMD Radeon 6800 Series 
- With DivX® software installed on an AMD Radeon™ HD 6800 Series and later GPU and the DivX Accelerated™ solution, consumers can enjoy an improved DivX video playback experience by lowering CPU load, extending computer battery life on notebooks, reducing noise on home theater PCs and improving overall computer operation. 
- Grab the DivX Accelerated download from here http://go.divx.com/accelerated 
* Support for OpenGL 4.1 
- New features introduced in OpenGL 4.1 
- Full compatibility with OpenGL ES 2.0 APIs for easier porting between mobile and desktop platforms 
- The ability to query and load a binary for shader program objects to save re-compilation time 
- The capability to bind programs individually to programmable stages for programming flexibility 
- 64-bit floating-point component vertex shader inputs for higher geometric precision 
- Multiple viewports for a rendering surface for increased rendering flexibility 
- New ARB extensions introduced with OpenGL 4.1 
- Linking OpenGL sync objects to OpenCL event objects for enhanced OpenCL interoperability 
- The ability to set stencil values in a fragment shader for enhanced rendering flexibility 
- Features to improve robustness, for example when running WebGL applications 
- Callback mechanisms to receive enhanced errors and warning messages 
* AMD Stream 2.3 SDK release 
- Performance improvements for AMD’s OpenCL toolset 
- Support UVD video hardware component through OpenCL driver (Windows 7 only) 
- Support for the Stream Profiler on Linux (command line version) 
- Support added for AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series and AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series 
- Support for FFT and BLAS-3 libraries 
- Stream Profiler enhancements (including timeline visualization) 
- Resolves a number of bug fixes from the Stream SDK 2.2 release

# Windows Vista

* The overscan/underscan slider is no longer occasionally disabled in certain optimized / customer modes. 
* Enabling dynamic contrast no longer displays random fade-in effects when playing Yozakura.

# Windows 7 
This section provides information on resolved known issues in this release of the AMD Catalyst™ 10.12 software suite for Windows 7. These include:

* DivX interlaced content no longer intermittently shows corruption. 
* Tom Clancy’s Endwar no longer randomly hangs during game cutscenes. 
* Crossfire no longer gets randomly disabled in some games after task switching. 
* Random black streaks are no longer seen on menus in Metro 2033. 
* Corruption is no longer randomly seen with certain graphical settings in F1 2010. 
* Screen is now rendered correctly in Splinter Cell Conviction with Crossfire enabled. 
* Random tearing is no longer observed when playing back XVID video files on an extended display. 
* Random crashes are no longer observed when playing the Stone Giant DX11 Demo when Crossfire enabled. 
* Random crashes are no longer observed when changing video settings in Supreme Commander 2. 
* Need for Speed Shift no longer displays random corruption during game play if 2 races are played consecutively without exiting the game. 
* WMV playback no longer goes blank occasionally after switching from 32bit to 16bit color. 
* Random mouse cursor corruption is no longer seen 
* The screen is does not intermittently display garbage when running 3dMark06. 
* Dragon Age Origins no longer hangs intermittently during gameplay. 
* Changing resolutions in Starcraft2 with forced AA no longer causes random application crashes. 
* The desktop does not darken occasionally after exiting Eve Online. 
* The desktop does not dim randomly after exiting Mafia II on some Radeon 4890 products.

# Windows XP

* The water surface in World of Warcraft no longer displays random corruption when Anti Aliasing is enabled. 
* Random flickering is no longer observed in F1 2010 in systems with Crossfire enabled and forced Anti Aliasing enabled in the Catalyst™ Control Center.

Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/7 (x64/x86) 
Тип лицензии: Freeware 
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Multilanguage 
Размер: 233.13 MB

Категория: Драйвера | Добавил: Ka4ka-Softa | Теги: БЕСПЛАТНО, 10.12, скачать, Drivers, Catalyst, драйвера, ATI
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